How To Take Care of Your Septic System

Plumbing tools on top of a closed white toilet seat in a bathroom with white tile floor.

If your home’s septic system isn’t properly maintained, you’ll usually smell the symptoms – unpleasant as they may be.

Beyond the obvious, which sets off a “smell alarm,” there are the more important reasons for proper maintenance — namely, your health.

Where Is My Septic Tank?

Some homeowners have never had their tank serviced or replaced because they’ve recently purchased the home or haven’t felt the need for service. In any case, there are some things you should know about your system and some very good reasons to have trained professionals inspect and service your septic tank.

Your septic tank is located on your property and is usually designated on a drawing of your home and surrounding real estate. This is often called an “as-built” line drawing of your property and is available at your local city or county land office.

The septic tank is in a drainfield and is usually visible by locating the tank’s manhole cover. In some cases, older tanks have no visible parts because of overgrowth or vegetation. If that is the case, you may need a septic service professional to locate it for you.

Chances are, you’ve already learned about your septic tank and drainfield from the previous homeowner or from an inspection of your property. It’s always useful to understand the function of the septic tank and why septic system maintenance is so important. Beyond the health aspect, proper system maintenance will save you a lot of money in repairs and service.

Key Things To Do for Septic System Maintenance:

  • Pumping on a regular basis: This ensures that the septic system works efficiently, so you may want to simply maintain a regular schedule.
  • Trust a licensed professional: Not “someone’s cousin.” That way, you’re assured that the job is done right.
  • Maintain the components that directly feed into the septic system: The toilets, sinks, appliances, and other plumbing fixtures. Check for leaks and consider using less water to flush toilets (a toilet tank with a 1.6-gallon reservoir versus a 3.5-gallon reservoir).
  • Spread water usage throughout the week when using a washing machine: Make sure loads are sized correctly.
  • Watch what you flush or rinse down a drain: Including caustic chemicals and things like dental floss or sanitary napkins.
  • Maintain the drainfield: By not planting anything with roots over it (grass is recommended). Don’t drive over or park on top of a drainfield. Keep water runoff and drainage away from the drainfield to prevent flooding.

Proper septic system maintenance begins above the ground and continues through professional service and replacement. It sure beats a “stinky” and potentially hazardous situation.

Need a professional to perform expert septic services? Trust Larry & Sons Plumbing, Heating, Cooling & Electrical to get the job done right. Call or contact us online today