Think Your Drinking Water Is Safe? Think Again!

All of the recent media focus on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan and in other parts of the country has many people wondering about the quality of their own drinking water.

Here in Hagerstown, unfortunately, there are some concerns regarding high levels of Trihalomethanes in the water. What does that mean for you and your family? Watch the video to learn more from a trusted plumbing expert


Contamination in Hagerstown Water

Each year, public utilities companies are mandated by the Safe Water Drinking Act to distribute a Consumer Confidence Report, or CCR, that lists the results for EPA regulated and non-regulated contaminants.

According to a recent report, the water in the City of Hagerstown has high levels of Trihalomethanes. The EPA recommends levels of under 80 ppb, but in Hagerstown, the level was 98 ppb.

Currently, Hagerstown is operating under a consent agreement with the State of Maryland while it upgrades its major water treatment plant. While there is no available data regarding how long the agreement has been in place nor are more current test results available, past results dating back to 1980 show consistently high levels of Trihalomethanes.

What Are Trihalomethanes?

According to the World Health Organization, Trihalomethanes occur primarily as the result of the chlorination of organic matter in raw water supplies. Common Trihalomethanes include Chloroform, Bromodichloromethane and Bromoform. Bromodichloromethane causes reproductive effects, including stillbirth, and Chloroform is a known carcinogen.

Ongoing exposure to Trihalomethanes over several years can lead to problems with the kidneys, liver or central nervous system as well as an increased risk of cancer.

How You Can Protect Your Family

The best way to protect your family from the possible harmful effects of Trihalomethanes and other contaminants in your water is by installing a high-quality water filtration system. At Larry & Sons, we sell, install and service a number of excellent water filtration systems and water purifiers.

To help ensure your family’s health and safety, we have deeply discounted all of our water filtration systems. Contact us now to save $115 on any complete water filtration system.

Don’t risk exposing your family to the harmful contaminants found in Hagerstown’s water. Call Larry & Sons at 301-733-5428 now!