2017 is here, and now is the perfect time to make New Year’s Resolutions and put them into action. While most people are starting on diets and exercise plans that are likely to fail, why not do something different this year?
Resolving to reduce your energy consumption is easy, and the payoff is huge. There are several small ways to use less energy, and these small changes are much easier to stick to than an entire overhaul of your diet!
Check out these tips to save energy in the New Year!
5 Easy Ways to Reduce Energy Consumption

- Kick your old thermostat to the curb. Upgrading to a programmable thermostat can save you up to 10% on your annual heating and cooling bills by simply adjusting the temperature when you’re asleep or not at home. You stay comfortable, and your energy bills drop. What’s not to love?
- Get rid of your old appliances. Old appliances could be wasting tons of energy. In fact, your appliances and electronics account for about 20% of your home’s energy consumption. By upgrading to Energy Star certified products, you could drastically reduce your usage. As a bonus, upgrading could make you eligible for valuable tax incentives.
- Take advantage of the sun. During the winter months, opening up your curtains to let the sun in gives your heating system a bit of a break. Opening up the blinds also lets light in, meaning you need to use less electric lights. Remember to keep the blinds and curtains closed during the summer, though.
- Pick up a power strip. Did you know that your electronic devices and chargers draw power even when they aren’t in use? Known as “energy vampires,” these things could be costing you up to $100 per year. Plug them into a power strip, and turn off the strip when the devices aren’t in use.
- Schedule a home energy audit. Not sure what’s driving up your energy bills? A home energy audit is a great way to find out. During the audit, you’ll learn where you’re wasting energy and find out how to lower your consumption.
At Larry & Sons, we can help you discover ways to reduce your energy consumption all around your home. From sealing air ducts to prevent warmed or cooled air from escaping to helping you upgrade to a programmable thermostat to replacing your old energy hog of a water heater with a new tankless water heater, we’re here to help you make small changes that make a huge difference!
Contact us today to learn how to make your home more energy efficient in 2017! Call (301) 733-5428.