There’s no issue pertaining to bathroom plumbing in Greencastle, PA that our experienced plumbers can’t take care of for you fast. In fact, our trucks come equipped with everything a plumber needs to take care of most bathroom plumbing issues, so your Larry & Sons Greencastle plumber won’t even have to go get parts to solve your issue. Whether you have a problem with your toilet, tub, shower, or sink, we’ll get it resolved for you as soon as possible.
Our plumbers are ready and waiting to handle any toilet issue your home can throw at them. If you notice one of these problems, call us soon so we can fix it before your home sustains any more damage. Toilet problems we’ll solve include:
- Overflowing toilets
- Toilets that run all the time
- Toilets that are hard to flush
- Toilets that won’t flush
- Toilets that leak around the base
- Toilets that need installation or replacement
If any of these describe your toilets, we’ll come out and get it fixed for you. Stop stressing and call us at Larry & Sons today.

Give our plumbers just a few minutes alone with your bathtub and they’ll figure out what’s gone wrong. We’ll troubleshoot any problem that comes up so you don’t have to worry about your malfunctioning tub anymore. Tub problems we see a lot include:
- Clogged tub drains
- Cracked tubs
- Tub faucets that spray water everywhere
- Tubs that leak around the bottom
- Tubs that don’t have hot water
No matter what’s going on with your tub, if it’s not working for you, call us. We’ll come out fast and get you a solution soon.
When you can’t take a shower, it’s the worst feeling in the world. You need your shower to work so you can feel cleaned up and ready to go, every day. When it’s not working, you may get frustrated or feel like you aren’t your best self. Call us, instead, and we’ll make sure you can get clean again soon. We’ll help with:
- Dripping shower heads
- Leaky shower heads
- Clogged shower drains
- Shower heads that don’t spray correctly
- Corroded shower heads
- Low water pressure in the shower
- Showers that leak outside the shower
Just let us know what you’re experiencing and we’ll take it from there!
Without a sink, there’s a lot you can’t do. Instead of avoiding using your sink, though, call us for some help making it work again. We’ll help when you’re experiencing:
- Sinks that won’t drain
- Levers or knobs that don’t work right
- Corrosion or mineral deposits on sink faucets
- Cracked sinks
- Dripping faucets
- Broken hot water
- Standing water under your sink
Just give us a call and we’ll have your bathroom plumbing in Greencastle, PA working again soon. We’ll make sure you’re satisfied before we leave, so you never have to worry about the problem again. No matter what type of work you need to have done on your bathroom plumbing, we are here for you at Larry & Sons. Make your appointment today!