What are the Top Energy-Saving Tips for Spring?

What are the Top Energy-Saving Tips for Spring?

Saving energy means saving money! After all, the less energy you use, the less energy you have to pay for each month! There are many ways to save energy at home. Here are our favorites that you can implement as soon as spring comes so you can take advantage of them all year long. Use Your Fan Wisely If you have a ceiling fan, make sure it is spinning counter-clockwise and then turn it on whenever you’re in the room....
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Tips to Save Water This Summer

Many homeowners are shocked when they get their first water bill of the summer! With irrigation costs added onto regular water usage, it’s easy to spend more than you had ever imagined on water. Here are a few tips you can use to save water - and money! - this summer. Check Your Toilet for Leaks Put a few drops of food coloring into your toilet’s tank, then wait a few minutes. Check the bowl. If the water there is...
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Is It Time for an Air Conditioning Replacement?

You rely on your air conditioner to take care of you and your loved ones when the temperatures are just too much to bear by providing you with cool air when you need it most. Summers are especially toasty, and it’s important that you keep cool and comfortable all the time. But after many years of working tirelessly to help you maintain a comfortable temperature, your air conditioner is exhausted. It’s possible that it may just need some serious TLC, but...
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How to Cut Cooling Costs This Summer | Top 5 Tips

With temperatures nearing the 90s, life without an air conditioner seems downright impossible. Reduce your cooling costs this summer by utilizing these useful techniques! You’ll thank us later.' How to Cut Cooling Costs Install a programmable thermostat A programmable thermostat will allow you to pre-set desired temperatures. This is especially useful for when you’re away at work or asleep. Now, you never have to worry again about forgetting to adjust the temperature back to normal. For noticeable savings, we recommend...
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Air Conditioning Myths Debunked

You’re more than likely familiar with the phrase, “Well if it’s on the Internet it must be true.” This is often a sarcastic remark in response to outrageous claims, and unfortunately, when it comes to saving money, we’ll believe just about anything we read. Air Conditioning Myths Some of the tips and tricks you hear and read online can actually have negative effects, especially when it comes to expensive equipment like heating and air conditioning equipment. We’ve debunked some of...
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